KA2 Capacity building in the field of youth



The main aim of this long-term project was acquiring knowledge and skills to participants about using ecological materials in construction and architecture, about energy efficiency and cheaper construction and decreasing amount of organic waste in nature.

We teached participants that are working with young people between age of 15 and 30 how to use almost forgotten methods of building energy efficient houses. We prepared them for new possibilities of creative self employment through starting their own business. During this project young people learned to use natural, ecological, health harmless materials in creative way and acquire knowledge for easier self employment. We also included young people with special needs and disability – they got more socialized and we provided them ways of acquiring new skills and on this way gave them professional development training. All participants will be now able to transfer their energy efficiency knowledge to their peers and to encourage use of this method of construction through their professional careers. Knowledge acquired through this project participants used to build ecological house which will be used in local community for education of young people in ecology, energy efficiency and healthy way of life and will be basis for construction of ecological village with renewable energy sources and organic breeding food.

During this project participants gained knowledge and skills necessary to create new opportunities for employment and self-employment and to raise awareness of the need to use environmentally friendly materials in the construction according to the principles of energy efficiency. The local community through this project has got young active people aware that they need to be involved in social life and create conditions to facilitate employment especially of young people with disabilities. As such they are now able to achieve a multiplier effect and to pass on their knowledge to peers. Also, the local community has got the possibility to conduct various training programs in the field of ecology using built eco-house that also will be used in the field of eco-tourism. Our country has received clear example of youthful commitment on the acquisition of knowledge, their practical use for the benefit of the progress of the whole society and emphasizing the importance of interconnection, meeting, exchange of knowledge and experience and cooperation on projects of significance for the whole Europe.

During this project we also stimulated unemployed young people’s mobility and active participation in local society, young people’s spirit of initiative, their ability to think imaginatively and originally. We promoted the access of unemployed young people to Erasmus + program. We encouraged the development of “green” skills and behaviors among  participants  and their commitment to a more sustainable growth, promotion of way of active social participation and a way to acquire knowledge and skills useful for persons’ professional development and increased the capacity of the organisations that are working on protecting natural environment.

Everything remains as a result of this project will be used at the local, regional and national levels of the Western Balkan and the EU countries as an instrument of acquiring knowledge in the field of energy efficiency and the use of natural materials, as essential preconditions for reducing the use of fossil fuels as a source of energy and therefore pollution leading to the formation of greenhouse gases. At all levels the consequence of this, in an innovative way acquired, knowledge will be also creating new jobs for young people and reducing overall unemployment.