O nama

Evropski centar za ekologiju Evropski centar za ekologiju ima brojne redovne aktvnosti u toku godine. Do sada smo organizovali dva Sajma organske hrane i rezultat aktivnosti na tom polju je usvajanje Deklaracije o organskoj proizvodnji u Skupštini grada Šapca i početak rada Organske pijace u gradskoj Tržnici u Šapcu. U prvoj nedelji septembra ove godine organizujemo i treći Sajam organske hrane sa pratećim stručnim seminarom. Tu je i Zelena biciklijada koja podiže interesovanje za turističke lokacije u okolini Šapca i koja je ove godine u svom drugom izdanju vodila dve stotine učesnika u Vilu Albedo u selu Varna. Zadnjih pet godina sprovodimo prolećnu i jesenju kampanju ozelenjavanja dvorišta vrtića i osnovnih i srednjih škola i organizujemo izložbu umetničkih fotografija EKO FOTO – Odnos prema životnoj sredini. U istom periodu aktivno obeležavamo 3. decembar – Međunarodni dan osoba sa invaliditetom i 5. jun – Svetski dan zaštite životne sredine. Pored ovih aktivnosti sproveli smo i niz društveno značajnih akcija koje su rezultirale rešavanjem određenih problema u lokalnoj zajednici. Pomogli smo lokalnom stanovništvu u jednom predgrađu Šapca da dobiju kanalizacionu mrežu, ukazujući na problem podstakli smo uklanjanje poslednjeg radioaktivnog gromobrana na jednoj stambenoj zgradi u Šapcu, sproveli smo kampanju “Za Šabac bez opasnog otpada” tokom koje smo prikupili 11,111 potpisa građana što je rezultiralo uklanjanjem opasnog otpada iz dve lokalne srednje škole i dva lokalna industrijska postrojenja, kao i kampanju “Budi odgovoran vlasnik” koja je podstakla lokalne vlasti da se ozbiljnije uključe u rešavanje problema pasa lutalica, uspešno smo sproveli humanitarnu akciju “Šabac za Skoplje” posle poplave 2016. godine i isporučili pomoć skopskoj opštini Gazi Baba sa kojom smo potpisali ugovor o donaciji humanitarne pomoći, kao i ekološku kampanju za proglašenje planine Cer za zaštićeno područje što je rezultiralo pokretanjem ovog procesa od strane Zavoda za zaštitu prirode Srbije. Takođe smo organizovali javne tribine o upotrebi hidrogeotermalne energije u Šapcu i okolini i o gradnji energetski efikasnih kuća od balirane slame, kao i savetovanje za roditelje dece sa posebnim potrebama. Trenutno učestvujemo u kreiranju sadržaja ekološkog entiteta “Sava park” na obali Save koji treba da primeni principe energetske efikasnosti u izgradnji objekata i koristi obnovljive izvore energije. U toku je i realizacija projekta “Energy efficient ecological baled straw house” koji finansira Evropska komisija preko Erasmus+ programa.



About Us 

European centre for ecology (ECE) is very young organization made up of people of different ages and different professional orientation and level of education. Our members, which has about 20 active and about 100 of those who occasionally participate in our practical activities, are devoted to constant self-improvement through participating in various educational activities (round tables, seminars, public forums, public actions…). For a long time we have been an informal organization. Then we realized that it is good to have a legal framework so that we can achieve greater impact through the implementation of projects through grants. We are primarily oriented to young people under 30 years of age and a little older, including people with fewer opportunities, who need to acquire knowledge necessary for solving problems in ecology, unemployment, education and decision-making in the local community, but our target groups are all age and other categories of the population with any kind of problem. The objectives of the association are: environmental protection, organization of activities on the rehabilitation of affected areas, raising cultural awareness, organization and participation in humanitarian action type, the protection of human and minority rights, the promotion of education, science and information, the impact on local policy development, development of local communities, the impact on youth policy, promotion of youth activism, organization and participation in sports and recreational events, organizing training of all categories of the population in all areas of the stated goals, civil society capacity building, networking with organizations and associations that promote the same or similar goals at home and abroad, promotion of all activities of the association. ECE has many regular activities. We organize Organic Food Fair each fall and as a result soon should start working Organic market in Sabac, bicycle race “Zelena biciklijada” during the summer months that raises interest in the tourist sites around Sabac, spring and autumn campaigns of planting trees that resulted in greater involvement of local government in the same business, exhibition of artistic photos “ECO FOTO – attitude towards the environment”, actively celebrate the International day of persons with disabilities and the World environment day through different actions. In addition to the activities that are repeated every year, we have conducted significant social activities which had resulted in solving certain problems in the local community. We helped the local population in one suburb to get the sewage system, indicating a problem, we have managed to encourage the removal of last one radioactive lightning rod on residential buildings in Sabac, we conducted a campaign “For Sabac without hazardous waste” during which we collected 11,111 signatures and that resulted by removing hazardous waste from two local schools and two local manufacturing plants, as well as action “Be a responsible owner” which encouraged local authorities to seriously engage in solving the problem of stray dogs, and successfully implemented humanitarian campaign “Sabac for Skopje” after floods in Skopje in 2016. and ecological campaign for declaration of Cer mountain for the Nature park that resulted in the launch of the process by the Institute for nature conservation of Serbia. Also we organized public debate on the use of geothermal energy in Sabac and its surroundings, public debate about the construction of energy efficient buildings of the material contained in the local community and lecture for parents of children with special needs.